Beginner Curriculum
Under the Muay Thai Ontario grading system, Queens Muay Thai uses different colored shorts to reflect student progression throughout the program. A student starts as a yellow short (beginner level) and over a period of practice and dedication, can progress to blue shorts (intermediate level).
The beginner level focuses on two things: first, to build a strong body and second, to build effective skill. Strength and skill are essential pillars of self-defense; they support, not replace one another. Click on the images below to learn the specific movements used in our program to build students’ physicality and skillset:
Recommended Training Schedule
Frequent practice makes lasting progress. If you would like to progress to the next level (and take pride in the skills you hone), it is essential that you cycle through all the techniques listed in the Skillset list until you are proficient in all of them.
To reinforce knowledge of physical techniques, it is recommended to train two to three days a week. Training once a week is better than no training at all, but long periods of time between sessions will decrease retention. If you cannot train in-class frequently, it is encouraged to practice the skillsets on your own time.
The Road to Intermediate Level
While the beginner level focuses on building a student’s strength and skillset, the intermediate classes focuses on the combat application of these skillsets through sparring and clinching. In order to be qualified for the blue shorts level, yellow shorts students first need to have a reliable physicality, a strong grasp on techniques and more importantly, a sound temperament.
Since each student’s goals and life schedules vary, there is no mandatory timeline to build both the physicality and technicality for the blue shorts level. If a student would like to pursue higher level training, below is the criteria necessary that yellow shorts students must demonstrate in class to be nominated by their instructor to take the intermediate (blue shorts) level test:
1.STAMINA: Can endure prolonged periods of training with minimal breaks
2.FORM: Demonstrates proper technique for both exercises and weapons with correct, efficient movements
3.EFFICACY: Throws all weapons with controlled power
4.ACCURACY: Lands all weapons with precision
5.CHARACTER: Displays a positive attitude throughout training (see Student Conduct for more details)
Blue Shorts Test Outline
The path to the intermediate level requires passing the Blue Shorts Test conducted by a certified gym affiliated with Muay Thai Ontario. The test will be a demonstration of the resilience and competency needed to participate in higher level training. Given the new setting, the test will also be a chance for students to meet the rest of the growing Muay Thai community across the province.
1.Skip (10 min.)
2.Strength and conditioning workout: students must demonstrate proficiency in basic exercises, and shadowbox weapon combinations (60 min.)
3.Freestyle pad rounds with instructor: students must demonstrate proficiency in all weapons and footwork (5 x 5 min. rounds)
II. BLUE SHORTS CEREMONY (approx. 30 min. - 60 min.)
After the training portion, nominees will be presented with their certificate of completion, ceremonial headband and their blue shorts.
Once the student has graduated from the blue shorts test, they can train in the blue shorts classes, along with their yellow shorts classes. The blue shorts level also opens more opportunities for students, as they are eligible to pursue competition and instructorship roles.