

Why Muay Thai

Lineage: Ajahn Suchart Yodkerepaupri- Siam No.1, Kru Yai Nick Bautista-Brampton Muay Thai2019: Team Canada IFMA World Championships (Under 23), Muay Thai Canada National Silver Medalist (Qualifier Class)2018: Certified Poo Choi Kru under Sports Auth…

Lineage: Ajahn Suchart Yodkerepaupri- Siam No.1, Kru Yai Nick Bautista-Brampton Muay Thai

2022: Certified Kru (Head Instructor) under Sports Authority of Thailand and Muay Thai Naikhanomtom Association

2019: Team Canada IFMA World Championships (Under 23), Muay Thai Canada National Silver Medalist (Qualifier Class)

2018: Certified Poo Choi (Assistant Instructor) under Sports Authority of Thailand and Muay Thai Naikhanomtom Association

2018: Muay Thai Canada National Gold Medalist (A Class)

2016: Muay Thai Canada National Gold Medalist (C Class)


My teacher once explained to me the nature of Muay Thai:

Don’t worry about looking pretty.
Be effective first.

This is one of my favorite lessons because it speaks to how I feel about womanhood: that I should first be proud of what I can do, because authentic confidence comes from competence, not appearances.

Muay Thai also became my vehicle to strive through life’s challenges, and I believe it can do the same for other women and girls too. Queens Muay Thai is a space for you to wear your crown proudly; to become more of who you are and less of who you are not.

- Kru Katrina Velasquez


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